A specialized security services company. Our name is a portmanteau from "Infrastructure metrics": repeatable and measurable
A specialized security services company. Our name is a portmanteau from "Infrastructure metrics": repeatable and measurable
Managing the risks presented by Critical Infrastructure (CI) Interdependence is complicated. Worse, most attempts are highly subjective, based on intuition and can't be reproduced (a different person would get a different answer using the same approach). We offer the following specialized services:
Managing the risks presented by Critical Infrastructure (CI) Interdependence is complicated. Worse, most attempts are highly subjective, based on intuition and can't be reproduced (a different person would get a different answer using the same approach). We offer the following specialized services:
High Performance Computing (HPC) and similar research infrastructures (e.g. AI/ML) are not like enterprise environments when it comes to security. We offer the following specialized services :
Critical infrastructure consists of physical and cyber systems and assets vital to a nation's safety, security and prosperity. Typically grouped as sectors, CI can be both goods and services, public or private in ownership and operation.
Critical infrastructure Interdependence refers to the reliance of different infrastructure systems on each other, where disruptions can lead to cascading effects across multiple sectors and services.
High Performance Computing (HPC) involves clusters of powerful computers designed to solve complex computational problems at high speeds, enabling advanced scientific research, simulations and applications like Artificial Intelligence.
"Security is essential to achieving the anticipated benefits of HPC. HPC systems bear some resemblance to enterprise IT computing, which allows for the effective application of traditional IT security solutions. However, they also have significant differences. An HPC system is designed to maximize performance, so its architecture, hardware components, software stacks, and working environment are very different from enterprise IT. " (Source: NIST 800-223 - Feb 2024)
HPC Infrastructure is the platform that makes it possible to run world-changing applications like Aritifical Intelliegnce. Itrefers to the combination of computing hardware, networking, storage and management software that are specifically designed and integrated to create a high performance computing environment.
HPC application software, in contrast, consumes HPCI as a platform or utility.
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